Nau mai,
Haere mai,
Whakatau mai,
Purea nei
We have been learning a new waiata in our Kapa Haka ropu. We love what the kupu mean and how it sounds when we sing.
Welcome to kapa haka 2018! We have a whole bunch of new stuff we are learning this year. Come and have a look at our new waiata.
Kapa Haka 2018
Polyfest 2018
E.H.S performed like stars on the night of the 2018 Polyfest. They represented Eastern Hutt with Mana and filled us all with pride. They put in so much time and effort into Kapa Haka and it shone through their performance. Tino pai!
The Performance starts at 4.50s
Our New Poi Song
Here is Matua singing and performing the actions to our new poi song Taku Poi.
Here are the words to our poi song
Ki runga, ki raro, ki tai
Taku poi
Tu ana, tu atu, tu mai
Taku poi
He mana e rere mīharo
Taku poi
E rere atu ki te ao
E rere atu ki te ao
E rere atu ki te ao
Our Action Song
Here is Matua performing the actions to our school song.
Te Kura ki Rāwhiti
O Te Awa Kairangi

Nga tamariki e

E akoako e
Ka tipu ake e
Kia puāwaitia
Nga tangata e
Noho kite awa e
Our New Chant
Here are the words to our new chant. Ko te tangi o te pīwakawaka Hē tohu pōuri ō Māui I rokohina atu i te matimati O Mahuika e Nāna i hī ika i te whenua Ko toku tīpuna tera Ko Māui e!!!
Our New Waiata
Here are the words to our new song. Hoea Hoea He waka eke noa Kaha kaha Manini te haerenga Tūturu kia mau Aue te tika Tū mai Tū mai Tāku toa Taki tini Hau mai Hau mai Te Wairua Aroha Tūturu kia mau Aue te tika Nō reira koutou e hoa mā Whia te tika
Kapa Haka Exchange 2015
Last Friday the kapa haka went to Waterloo school to participate in our annual kapa haka exchange with Waterloo and Boulcott School. We had a wonderful time seeing the other schools perform! Here we are giving it our best!See if you can spy our new uniforms.
E Papa Waiari
We have been learning a new song E Papa Waiari, in kapa haka. The version we are learning to sing is the wonderful New Zealand group the Herbs version. Here it is below.
Polyfest 2015
This year we participated in our second Polyfest at the Walter Nash Stadium. We practised very hard and showed great determination and discipline. Our school, whanau and teachers were so proud of us. Here are some photos of the event.
This is how we start every Kapa haka session with some karakia.
Whakataka te hau ki te uru,
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga.
Kia mākinakina ki uta,
Kia mātaratara ki tai.
E hī ake ana te atākura he tio,
he huka, he hauhunga.
Haumi e! Hui e! Tāiki e!
Maranga Mai - (Action Song)
te komako
Ka puta mai te wero nei
Ki te whai ao, te ao marama
Maranga te iwi
Me tu tahi te tangata
Kia puawai, kia waimarie
Maranga maranga mai x2
Maranga ki te pono
Whaia ra te tika....
Ka puta mai te wero nei
Ki te whai ao, te ao marama
Maranga te iwi
Me tu tahi te tangata
Kia puawai, kia waimarie
Maranga maranga mai x2
Maranga ki te pono
Whaia ra te tika....
kore au e ngaro e, E ngaro eeee
kakano au i ruia mai, i ruia mai
kakano au i ruia mai
rangiatea aaa
E kore au e ngaro e,
Here is a clip of Matua performing the actions and singing Maranga Mai.
E kore au e ngaro e,
Here is a clip of Matua performing the actions and singing Maranga Mai.
He Poi Whatiwhati- (Poi song)
He poi whatiwhati e
He korikori a
He poi kanikani whakawhiti titaha e x 2
Hokihoki mai ra ki te tikanga
Hokihoki mai ra ki nga akoranga
Here is the tutorial for our poi song.
Here is a video of Matua showing you the poi actions all run together. When you have tried using the tutorial clip you can step it up and see if you can keep up with Matua!
Ka Tipu ka ea (Chant)
tipu ka ea
piki tangata
Ki te
rawa hauora
nga raruraru
O te
ao hurihuri
tinana Kia kaha e tama
kaha kotiro
nga hakinakina
ora kia maia. Tu toa te tangata e i
E Taku Potiki- (Haka)
E taku potiki
Piki turanga
E taku potiki
Piki turanga
He uri rangatira
E ona whakapapa
Kia eke ki runga ki taua taumata HI!
Te awa kairangi e ngunguru nei...
I au au aue ha. Hi! x2
Ia haha
Ka tu te ihi
Ihi ka tu te wanawana
Ki runga i te rangi e
Tu iho nei, Tu iho nei
Hi ha hi!
Kia hora te marino
Kia whakapapa pounamu
Te moana
Kia tere te karohirohi
I mua i to huarahi
Haumie hui taiki e!
We have been learning to use titi torea. Have a look at the rotation we were in on Tuesday. It was lots of fun and we had to think hard about where the sticks were going.E.H.S kapa haka participated in the 2014 Polyfest. They had an outstanding performance. Well done kapa haka we are all very proud of you!
Our Poi Song- Whiti te Marama
We have been learning the poi actions to Whiti te marama. Here is a video below of Matua Whaitiri to help you practice. Please sing along and follow the actions.
Our New Chant
This is a new chant for some of the children in kapa haka this year.
Ka Tipu Ka Ea
Ka tipu Ka ea Grow
and move
Ka piki te tangata Uplift our community
Ki te taumata to
a level
Pai rawa hauora of
great health
Waiho nga rauraru leave
aside the bad things
O te ao hurihuri in
this changing world
Nekeneke tinana move
your body
Kia kaha e tama be
strong boys!
Kia kaha kotiro Be
strong girls!
Mau nga hakinakina Play
sports and be active
Kia ora kia maia be
alive and be proud
Tu toa te tangata ee! stand
strong as a community!
Tamariki maia – Hi hi Ha! Acknowledge
that we are strong children
Tihei – Mauri ora Be
We have been learning to use poi in kapa haka. Here are some instructions to make poi and tips on how to use them.
To Make Your Own Poi
To make you will need:
dacron stuffing or tennis ball (optional)
Coloured paper,
plastic bags or fabric,
String/cord/wool/yarn Scissors
1. The cords should be about 80cm long, so you can also tie around the paper ball.
2. Plait the wool using your choice of colours. Four plait adds an attractive finish to the poi.
3. Squash/manipulate the newspaper/Dacron into a ball (or use tennis ball) and tie one end of the cord around the ball.
4. Cut the coloured paper/plasic bag or fabric into a square about 40cm x 40cm.
5. Place the ball in the middle of the paper/fabric/plastic bag and gather the material over and around the ball.
6. Cut another piece of cord to secure around the opening in the material. So wind it securely around the opening and double knot it.
7. Add a layer of plastic over the Bag Poi and tie as before. This will help to protect them.26 8. Trim the gathered paper with the scissors.
9. Tie knots in the ends of the cord to hold onto as handles.
10. Make another one.
11. Decorate as you wish.
Our new song
We have been learning a new waiata in kapa haka this term. It was written by Matua Whaitari for Fergusson Intermediate and we are very lucky to be adding it to our repertoire. Here are the words and a video of the actions that accompany them.
Ko te manu nei
Ko te piwaiwaka
E tutu ana i runga i te totara
Kia whaiwhai ngangara
Tahurihuri ana
He manu iti ka whiowhio
He karere o hinenui te po
E ai te korero o nehera eeee
Tane mahuta te atua
O te ngahere e
Te kaitiaki o nga rakau
Me nga manu nei
Te potiki o papa tua nuku
Me rangi nui e
Panaia te rangi e ona waewae e
Ka piki atu ki te rangi tu haha e
Ka riro nga kete wananga nei
Ka puta ko te ao marama eeeeeeeeee au e
Te potiki o papa tua nuku
Me rangi nui e
Panaia te rangi e ona waewae e
Ka piki atu ki te rangi tu haha e
Ka riro nga kete wananga nei
Ka puta ko te ao marama eeeeeeeeee au e
Chorus Pürerehua rere runga hau Papaki parirau Rere runga hau (Ka piki, ka piki Runga rawa e Papaki parirau rere runga hau.) x 2 | Butterfly carried on the wind. Fluttering its wings on the wind Up and up Way up high Fluttering its wings on the wind |
Ka tau, ka tau Runga püäwai Ka whänauhua A pürerehua. Katahi, ka rua Ka toru, ka wha Ka rü, ka rë Ka puta e whä whë | It lands On a flower To lay its eggs, this butterfly. One, two, Three, four: They shake and quiver, Out pops four caterpillars |
Chorus Pürerehua rere runga hau Papaki parirau Rere runga hau Rere runga hau Papaki parirau Rere runga hau Pürerehu--a Rere runga hau Pürerehu---a | Butterfly carried on the wind Fluttering its wings carried on the wind carried on the wind Fluttering its wings carried on the wind Butterfly . . . carried on the wind Butterfly . . . |
Whiti Te Marama
Whiti te marama
Whiti te marama i te po,
Tiaho iho mai koe
Hei karu mo te mata o te po (x2)
Whiti te marama i te po,
Tiaho iho mai koe
Hei karu mo te mata o te po (x2)
To ana te ra ki te moe e
Tiaho iho mai koe
Hei karu mo te mata o te po (x2)
Ki te kore koe te karu o te po
Pouri ana taku ara e (x2)
Hoki ana ahau ki te moe e
Tiaho iho mai koe
Hei karu mo te mata o te po (x2)
Whitiwhiti ana e te marama i te po (x2)
Te Kura ki Rawhiti
(E.H.S Song)
O Te Awa Kairangi Eastern Hutt Primary School
E mihi mihi atu e that welcomes you
Manakitia Nurture
Tautokotia and support
Nga tamariki e us children
E akoako e We learn
Ka tipu ake e and we grow
Kia puawaitia so that our community
Nga tangata e by the river
Noho kite awa e will flourish
Takoto ana au I’m lying
Ki te moenga uriuri. in my darkened bedroom
Tu ake au and after a while get up
Titiro kit e atarau. to look at the moonlight.
Kei runga ra, It is up there the
Te marama e whiti ana shining moon.
Kei hea Rona Where is Rona?
Kei roto ra. She is in the moon
Piri ki te taha, holding the calabash,
Piri ki te ngaio. holding the ngaio tree.
Aue ra,
e Rona e How sad for Rona!
Aue Rona e
Tena koe, kaue e moe
Hirini Melbourne(our poi song)
Tena koe, kaue e moe
Whakarongo ki te tangi a te koekoea
Koe, koe, tena koe
Tena korua, kaua e poturi
Whakarongo ki te tangi a te mohua
Mohua, mohua, tena korua
Tena koutou, kaua e mataku
Ki te tangi a te ruru o te po e
Kou, kou, tena koutou
Kou, kou, tena koutou
E te Hokowhitu a Tū
(our action song)This video is sung a lot quicker than we sing this song, but you can practise the words and the tune anyway!
Here is a video of our Kapa Haka practising the actions for the song.
E te Hokowhitu a Tū
Kia kaha rā
Kāti rā te hingahinga
Ki raro rā
Mā ngā whaka aro
Kei runga rawa
Hei arahi ki te ara
E tika ai
Whirinaki, whirinaki
Tātou katoa
Kia kotahi rā
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