We are learning a new waiata by Maisey Rika. Here are the kupu
Te Ao Māori @ EHS
Monday, 26 July 2021
Monday, 29 March 2021
Kapa Haka 2021!
Kia ora e te whānau me ngā tamariki!
Kapa haka has kicked off this year at Eastern Hutt School. This term our structure has been running in two halves...
First half (12.00-12.30pm): Year 4-6 have been learning and refreshing the ropes of Kapa. This has included learning new waiata from Matua Whaitiri and exploring our FIRST EHS HAKA... watch this space!
Second half (12.30-1pm): Year 6 tamariki have been taking part in optional te Ao Māori professional development as our young leaders. They are ready to be our kaea for the rest of the year.
Please see below our treasured taonga gifted to us by Matua Whaitiri. Our EHS Haka was written for our tamariki now and our tamariki to come. This resource is for the Kapa Haka tamariki to practice...
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Kapa Haka Exchange 2020
He kupu o ngā Waiata me haka
Mate korona e

Me he Manu Rere- Waiata Poi
Me he manu rere ahau e
Kua rere ki to moenga
Ki te awhi to tinana
Aue aue e
Te tau tahuri mai
Ko te Manu Nei
Ko te manu nei
Ko te piwaiwaka
E tutu ana i runga te totara
Kia whaiwhai ngangara
Tahurihuri ana
He manu iti ka whiowhio
He karere o hine nui te po
E ai te korero
O nehera eeeee
Tane mahuta te atua
O te ngahere-eeee
Te kaitiaki o nga rakau me
Nga manu nei aueeeee
Te potiki o papa-tua-nuku
Me ranginui e
Panaia te rangi e ona waewae e
Ka piki atu ki te rangi tuhaha e
Ka riro nga kete wananga nei
Ka puta ko te ao marama eeee aueeee
Tai Aroha
Ko te aroha anō he wai
E pupū ake ana
He awa e māpuna mai ana
I roto i te whatu-manawa (x2)
Ko tōna mātāpuna he hōhonu
Ā inā ia ka rere anō (x2)
He tai timu
He tai pari
He tai ope
He tai roa
He tai nui
Monday, 17 June 2019
HuttFest performance practice
Monday, 15 April 2019
Kapa Haka 2019
Here is some new kupu for the tamariki to practice over the holidays.
1. Uhia te Mauri- Haka
2. Te Kura ki Rawhiti- Our school waiata.
3. Aotearoa te Ika a Maui- Our new waiata, see if you can recognise the tune!
Thank you to Matua Whaitiri for the amazing work he has already put into our kapa haka this year!
Ngā mihi nui